“I have just been diagnosed with cancer and I want to do everything possible to ensure optimal therapy.”
We believe that optimal cancer therapy is more than choosing the right operation or getting the right chemotherapy. Cancer therapy should include the entire person and not just the tumour. Traditional therapies are often deficient in that sense. We focus on completing your therapy to ensure your physical, emotional, spiritual, financial and social wellbeing is addressed. We integrate natural therapies and other healing modalities into your care plan. With treatments starting at less than $5 per day, we can find therapies that are affordable for almost anyone.
“I have decided not to take conventional treatment after understanding the risks and benefits.”
Overall, we do not recommend replacing conventional cancer therapies with non-traditional therapies, since conventional therapies have been well-studied and are the most proven treatments available. However, we recognize that for some patients, certain conventional therapies are unacceptable due to their philosophical disagreement with them or due to serious concerns for maintaining quality of life. We meet many patients who review the risks and benefits of conventional therapies in detail with their oncology physicians, and refuse them due to significant risks. We do have a number of therapies available to address this need. Patients must already be fully informed of the risks and benefits of traditional therapies before choosing this route. For example, “SAFE” chemotherapy may be appropriate, with preliminary data showing that it may offer an excellent chance of response or remission, even for early stage 4 cancers.
“I am receiving conventional treatment, but I am experiencing serious side effects.”
Many patients who receive conventional cancer therapies experience serious side effects that compromise their quality of life. Often there are ways to control or eliminate side effects that are not known to most physicians. This is because these ways may consist of therapies that are non-traditional and are therefore not part of standard medical education. Various natural medicines have scientific evidence to support their benefits in controlling side effects of chemotherapy for example (without interfering with the chemotherapy itself).
“I am receiving conventional treatment, which has a low proven success rate, and I would like to combine it with something that may enhance the treatment.”
At some point in time, cancer may become resistant to therapy and few treatment options remain. Also, some rare cancers have limited scientifically proven treatment options with low average success rates. We have preliminary evidence that indicates that certain gentle medicines can significantly enhance conventional therapies such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Based on this information (as well as our experience), we may be able to offer you therapies and treatments that can be safely combined with traditional treatments.
“I am between treatments and the cancer has regressed or is in remission, but I want to be proactive rather than watching and waiting.”
In some cases when patients are in remission, after receiving conventional therapies, treatment is stopped completely and the patients are told to watch and wait. There are a few possible reasons for this. One reason may be that research may have demonstrated no improvement in survival if treatment was continued while in remission, or the patients waited for a recurrence and then received treatment.
Examples: dichloroacetate acid (DCA), cannabis oil treatments, and on-going ketogenic dietary plan and ketogenic diet for cancer
“I have exhausted conventional therapies and no additional treatments are being offered.”
We offer cancer treatments/therapies that may still be undergoing scientific research, and have varying levels of evidence to support their effectiveness. We focus on gentle treatments/therapies that target the cancer without damaging your body or compromising your immune system. Many of our therapies can treat the cancer and also improve quality of life at the same time.
“I have a slow-growing cancer or concurrent serious health problems and have been told not to take treatment until the cancer gets worse.”
Due to toxicity, which is common with conventional therapies, there may be more risk than benefit in treating patients with underlying health problems such as angina, stroke, advanced age, renal failure, heart failure, ongoing infection, organ transplant and bone marrow failure. Also, conventional chemotherapy generally works poorly on slow-growing cancers. In such cases, gentler therapies may be offered that have preliminary supporting scientific evidence for their effectiveness. Oncologists rarely offer such treatments because the formal research involving these drugs may still be in early stages. We have extensive clinical experience using such medicines and can advise if they are safe and potentially effective. The therapies we offer do not weaken the immune system, and in some cases will treat the cancer while simultaneously improving underlying health problems!
Our unique approach to cancer care allows us to address patients’ varied needs and care requirements by offering tests and cannabis oil cancer treatments not available elsewhere.
Our care approach is based on exploring and offering a multi-pronged treatment plan, which combines conventional naturopathic therapies with off-label and innovative treatments as needed.
Our research shows that many promising cancer treatments do not make it to the mainstream market due to numerous financial or administrative reasons. We endeavour to bring as many tests and treatments to our patients in a safe and timely manner.
A few examples of our services include:
All patients start with an in-depth assessment submission. We firmly believe that cancer treatment needs to be individualized to each patient’s unique needs.
Patients should be able to dictate and make informed decisions about their care. We encourage open discussion with our members and their families to understand their needs and customize the treatment plan.
Based on members’ needs, we can then organize tests and start treatment. Treatments can include standard conventional therapies that can be augmented with off-label therapies, if necessary.
Naturopathic consultation with our naturopath can also be arranged to enhance your care.
Many patients choose to complement their existing treatments with other promising therapies, and we have seen encouraging results with different combinations.