Cannabis Oil, CBD Oil Treatment

CBD Being Prescribed by Doctors World Over: Ending ‘Is CBD Oil Legal’ Speculation

cbd blog is cbd oil legal

‘Is CBD oil legal?’ That question is fast becoming redundant. Whereas CBD oil was once considered a fringe – and frowned upon – treatment, today, medical and healthcare bodies around the world are investing heavily in it. Globally, efforts are underway to understand the vast scope for treatment CBD oil possesses.

Prescriptions of CBD oil cancer patients received were one of the first instances of cannabis oil being used medically. It was used to treat cancer and help reduce the debilitating impacts of chemotherapy. Since then, CBD oil became associated with pain management.

CBD oil was once used only to manage pain – today it is seen as invaluable treatment.

Lately, however, the use of CBD oil for anxiety has been explored. CBD oil side effects are being probed, and the results have been positive. Its reputation as a wonder drug is being realized by healthcare organizations around the world. From multiple sclerosis to autoimmune disorders, CBD oil is being recognized as a revolutionary treatment option.

Is CBD oil legal? It sure is on the path to being wholly recognized by the international community.

Cannabis is receiving medical and research attention like never before. Its legalization in countries such as Canada, acceptance in the European Union, and in so many other countries have opened the flood gates of research. And the policies are changing fast. In only a few years, some of the biggest and most respected healthcare bodies and regulators have approved cannabis oil for many different ailments – even those afflicting children.

In this article we are looking at how the ‘Is CBD oil legal’ speculation is fast becoming redundant.

2020 Update: FDA joins EMA and NHS in approving CBD oil for treating epilepsy

To bring this article up to date we are excited to mention approvals provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, European Medicines Agency (EU) and the UK’s NHS.

The CBD oil, called Epidyolex in Europe and the United Kingdom, and Epidiolex (cannabidiol) (CBD) in the U.S. has been approved by the respective health authorities to treat two rare and serious forms of epilepsy. Patients suffering from Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndrome can be prescribed this medication. In Europe and the UK CBD oil for epilepsy can be given to children as young as two; in the U.S. the minimum age is three years.

This a tremendous breakthrough for the medical community and patients alike, allowing CBD oils and other treatments to be prescribed by physicians as safer alternatives to traditional allopathic medication. It speaks volumes about the lack of side effects of CBD oil that Epidyolex can be used alongside clobazam, a strong anti-seizure medication.

The BBC reports clinic trials of cannabidiol showed up to a 40% reduction in seizures in some children.

What does this mean for patients?

  • Physicians can prescribe CBD oil for epilepsy
  • Medication may be covered under health insurance
  • Treatment protocol is available through mainstream prescription channels
  • Patients benefit from the healing properties of CBD oil with no side-effects

European Union approves cannabis oil for seizures

In late July 2019, it was reported that the European Medicines Agency, an EU body, approved the prescription of CBD oil for treating seizures. Its decision was based on research that showed CBD oil stops or very significantly reduces seizures for numerous conditions.

Doctors in the UK can now prescribe CBD oil

National healthcare bodies are typically reticent about prescribing treatments other than allopathic. And so it was with the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom. However, it recently allowed its doctors to prescribe CBD oil to children. It is an extremely important decision as the NHS is one of the most respected healthcare services in the world.

Australia begins formal testing of CBD oil for anxiety

With traditional PTSD treatments failing to deliver results, Australia is turning to CBD oil. The country is running drug trials to test the effects of CBD oil for anxiety. Over 300 people are said to be taking part, many of whom are war veterans.

Can doctors prescribe CBD oil in Canada?

Canada is one of the most accepting markets for CBD oil in the world. No wonder it has been the hotbed of medical research testing CBD oil side effects. Not just CBD oil cancer patients are prescribed, patients use different strains, formulations and methods of administering CBD to treat a whole host of ailments and manage their pain. There are many cannabis clinics you can visit to receive professional advice, and some of the best CBD oil suppliers in the world.

Do Workplace Benefits and insurance cover CBD oil?

Like any other medicine, doctors are allowed to prescribe CBD oil to patients if they feel it will be beneficial for their condition. The doctor must provide a medical authorization under Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations to prescribe patients medical cannabis. Insurance companies now permit coverage of medical coverage in their plans. However, it may be an add-on. Similarly, Workplace Benefits should cover CBD oil prescribed by doctors.

Receiving Tax Credits for Medical Cannabis

A resounding answer to ‘is CBD oil legal’ is that you can claim tax credits for CBD oil in Canada. You need to show medical authorization and that cannabis was sourced from a Health Canada approved producer to. Pursuant to that, you can claim CBD oil as a medical expense in your tax return.

Is CBD oil legal in the US?

The United States of America has taken a more conservative approach than most to CBD oil in the past years and decades. Medical use of CBD oil has been discouraged and this has fuelled the stigma, ‘Is CBD oil legal?’

In 2018, President Donald Trump signed a law permitting cannabis products with less than 0.3% of THC content. THC is the compound behind the cannabis ‘high’. Ironically, most CBD oils only ever had even smaller quantities of CBD oil.

Today, the picture remains a little unclear but widespread opinion is that CBD oil is legal for use in the USA. Concerns remain primarily due to disparity in-laws between federal and state laws. Regardless, even states traditionally opposed to medical cannabis have shown changing perceptions. In a recent case, a woman was stopped by the police for possessing CBD oil in Florida. The arrest was quashed and prospectors refused to pursue the charge.

A lack of CBD Oil Side Effects

The lack of CBD oil side effects has been one of the primary reasons why it is being looked at closely by health services and doctors around the world. If CBD oil cancer patients use does not harm them in their fragile state, its side effects must be very minor, has been the thinking. Indeed, treatment for cancer was one of the earliest uses of CBD oil.

It helps people manage pain and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy for cancer patients. No wonder CBD oil is deemed safe for use for young children too.

Medical cannabis offer previously unexplored treatment options. Patients must make sure that they procure their CBD oil from only the best sources. The quality of the oil can depend on processing, shipping, and the research that has been invested in product development. Companies like CBD International ensure that our CBD oil contains the quantity of CBD you expect. You get the best products delivered straight to your door when you buy from us.