CBD Oil Treatment

CBD oil for epilepsy: Benefits, effectiveness, dosage

cbd international epilepsy benefits effectiveness dosage

CBD oil has been making waves in the healthcare industry ever since CBD was approved by the European Medicines Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of epilepsy. Epidiolex, a CBD formulation, has been found to be highly effective in treating seizures associated with Lennox Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome.

The treatment has been scientifically proven safe such that it has been approved for children as young as two in Europe and the UK (three is the minimum age in the U.S.). Find out how CBD oil for epilepsy is helping treat seizures.

Benefits of having CBD oil for epilepsy

One of the biggest challenges of managing epilepsy is the struggle patients face trying to control the associated symptoms: 1 in 3 people managing epilepsy find it difficult to control seizures. That’s where cannabis oils for epilepsy have proven breakthrough.

Numerous studies have shown cannabis oils help people manage symptoms associated with epilepsy, particularly control seizures, something that has been backed up by The Epilepsy Foundation.

Effectiveness of CBD oil epilepsy

Whereas doctors in Europe, the UK and the U.S. can now prescribe Epidiolex to treat seizures for two rare forms of epilepsy, CBD oil actually helps treat a much wider range of patients. People with difficult to treat symptoms, regardless of the exact nature of their condition, use cannabis formulations to control seizures.

Cannabis oil has helped patients reduce the frequency and severity of attacks, manage symptoms, and lower dependence on anti-epileptic drugs (AED). Cannabis products play an especially important role with regards to AEDs. Unlike AEDs CBD does not cause side effects such as anaemia, liver damage, pancreatitis, allergic reactions and cognitive effects.


CBD has been tested extensively and been conclusively shown to cause few or no side effects. Some patients may notice fatigue or drowsiness but those can be managed by changing the CBD oil dosage and formulation. Complete our assessment form to determine the correct dosage of CBD oil for epilepsy for you.

If you are trying to determine the right dosage of CBD oil for epilepsy, the key is to follow a step-by-step dosing procedure. Under this you will begin by determining a baseline dose and then adjust it gradually over a period of a few days to find the effective dose. Note that human anatomy differs from person to person; some people may require a larger dose, others a smaller dose.

Start off with a smaller dose to set the baseline and then increase it over a period of a few days or one week. Most people find acceptable results even with low doses of CBD. See below for an approximate dosing chart. For best results, complete our assessment form.

CBD Oil for Epilepsy Dosing Guide

(approx. only)

Severity of condition

(illness, ailment)

Body weight – up to 60 lbs Body weight – up to 100 lbs Body weight – up to 175 lbs Body weight – 175+ lbs
1 – Mild symptoms 2 – 4 mg 4 – 8 mg 8 – 12 mg 12 – 18 mg
2 – Mild-moderate 4 – 8 mg 8 – 12 mg 12 – 18 mg 18 – 30 mg
3 – Moderate symptoms 8 – 12 mg 12 – 18 mg 18 – 30 mg 30 – 40 mg
4 – Moderate-severe 12 – 18 mg 18 – 30 mg 30 – 40 mg 40 – 60 mg
5 – Severe symptoms 18 – 30 mg 30 – 40 mg 40 – 60 mg 60 – 80 mg

One of the biggest factors in CBD oil dosage is purity. Not all oils are made the same – make sure you buy your cannabis oils from a reputed manufacturer like CBD International for standard, independently tested oils.