The use of cannabis oil for cancer has been gaining popularity on a worldwide scale, but studies have also demonstrated the positive effects it has on other diseases, such as epilepsy or PTSD.
Cannabis oil contains chemical ingredients, produced by the plant, called cannabinoids. If you are in the exploration phase of the value of cannabis oil, it’s important to know the difference between the cannabinoids in cannabis oil.
But first, what do cannabinoids do?
Cannabinoids act on the cannabinoid receptors that are scattered throughout your body. These receptors are part of a bigger endocannabinoid system. This system works the same way the digestive or nervous system would manage its processes in the body such as memory, mood and pain-sensation. When the system isn’t working properly, the results are illness and physical complication. Both cannabinoids in cannabis oil, THC and CBD, mimic the body’s natural endocannabinoids, which helps to relieve the symptoms.
THC and CBD interact with these systems and their corresponding receptors in a different way. THC attaches to the cannabinoid 1 receptor, while CBD doesn’t stick as well. Because the THC attaches, it is able to directly activate and stimulate the body.
What is THC?
THC is the principal ingredient in cannabis with psychoactive properties. Studies suggest that THC is effective for PTSD, reduces nausea from cancer treatments, stimulates appetite for HIV/AIDS patients, helps patients with pain, inflammation and insomnia, and reduces spasms and spasticity in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is the second most well-researched cannabinoid. CBD is showing promise in regards to epilepsy, genetics brain disorders, Parkinson’s disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. CBD helps patients seeking relief from anxiety, inflammation, psychosis, spasms, seizures and other conditions without the feeling of dysphoria or lethargy.

What is the difference between THC and CBD?
The main difference between THC and CBD is the psychoactive properties of THC, meaning this is where a ‘high’ feeling originates from. CBD lacks nearly any psychoactive effects. CBD helps to make the psychoactive properties of THC more tolerable and reduce the impact of anxiety or paranoia.
Does CBD vs THC affect what oil you should purchase?
Absolutely, cannabis oils maintain a strict check on the concentration of CBD and THC in formulations. Different concentrations are preparations are used to prepare oils for particular conditions. It is a big misconception that THC can only have a psychoactive effect when, in fact, it has a strong therapeutic component too. There is no clear-cut distinction between CBD and THC oils being beneficial for only one or other conditions. However, CBD oils generally treat:
- anxiety
- seizures
- inflammation
- nausea
- pain
- depression
- psychosis
- mental disorders
- inflammatory bowel disease
- migraine
THC oils treat:
- anxiety
- insomnia
- low appetite
- pain
- glaucoma
- nausea
- muscle spasticity
Finding Your Balance | CBD vs. THC
Both THC and CBD are gaining popularity to help alleviate symptoms of numerous medical conditions. Studies are still discovering the full potential that both THC and CBD have to offer. As a patient, finding your balance of CBD vs. THC can help to achieve therapeutic treatment without the euphoria.
All cannabinoids (including THC vs. CBD) have a medical benefit and it’s important to research what cannabinoids are best fitted for the specific conditions you are trying to treat. Once you find your balance, cannabis oil can help to return you the quality of life you may have thought was gone forever.
What draws people to cannabis oil as a form of treatment is that there are little to no side effects that come with it.
CBD International offers cannabis oil with varying levels of THC and CBD. Fill out your application and receive the treatment you’ve been searching for.